Mississippi Premises Injuries: Understanding Your Rights

What to Do if You’re Injured on Someone Else’s Property

Visitors to public places or privately owned properties in Mississippi should be safe and secure. There are many reasons why Mississippi premises injuries occur, including negligence or the failure of the property owner to maintain a safe environment. Understanding your rights and the premises liability concept in such situations is important.

What Is Premises Liability?

A premises liability claim arises when an owner or occupier is legally responsible for making their property reasonably safe for visitors and doesn’t. According to laws on premises liability, owners of properties can be held responsible for injuries that are caused by hazardous conditions.

Types of Premises Liability Incidents

Liability in Mississippi premises injuries covers a wide range of incidents, including:

  • Slip and fall: An accident in which a person slips or trips on a foreign object or hazardous surface is known as a slip and fall accident.
  • Property maintenance that fails to meet safety standards: This includes a failure to repair or maintain the property.
  • Safety: The property owner is responsible for providing adequate security measures, such as adequate lighting and security cameras, to prevent criminal activity.
  • Dog bites: A property owner can be held liable for injuries caused by their dog.

What to Do if You’re Injured on Someone Else’s Property

It is important to follow these steps if you have been injured on another person’s property and suffer Mississippi premises injuries:

  1. Seek medical care: Even if you don’t think your injuries are serious, it is important to get checked by a medical professional.
  2. Document the scene: Take photos or videos of the accident scene, including any hazardous conditions that may have caused your injuries.
  3. Gather information: Get the contact information of any witnesses and ask for a copy of the incident report if one was filed.
  4. Report the accident: Tell the property owner or manager about the accident.
  5. Contact a personal injury lawyer: Premises liability cases can be complicated, and seeking legal advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer is important.

Statute of Limitations for Premises Liability Cases in Mississippi

A Mississippi premises injuries liability claim must be filed within a specific period of time. A personal injury case, including one involving premises liability, has a three-year statute of limitations. The right to seek compensation may be lost if you do not file your claim within this period.

Compensation for Your Injuries

The property owner may be responsible for your damages if they fail to maintain a safe environment while they possess their property. You can find expenses such as medical care, lost wages, and pain and suffering in this category. Having a personal injury attorney evaluate your Mississippi premises injuries case can help you fight for the maximum amount of compensation.

Seek Legal Assistance Today

If you have been injured on someone else’s property in Mississippi, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance today. Contact a personal injury lawyer who handles premises liability cases to discuss your options and take the necessary steps toward obtaining the compensation you deserve. 

Premises Liability Accidents

The Diaz Law Firm protects the rights of our clients injured by a negligent business owner, homeowner or others. We are here to assist you if you were injured on public or private property due to someone else’s negligence. Get the help you need by calling (601) 607-3456 or (800) 459-2222 for a free case review. Please feel free to contact us online as well.