Jackson Mississippi Talcum Powder - Ovarian Cancer Lawyer

Mississippi attorneys helping women with ovarian cancer

Research has linked women’s regular use of talc-containing products like talcum powder, baby powder and body powder in their genital area to the development of ovarian cancer. Over 2,000 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed each year may have been caused by regular use of talcum powder.

By the numbers

  • 10% of all Ovarian Cancers are believed to be talc related
  • 2,500 talc-related Ovarian Cancer diagnoses per year
  • 1,500 talc-related deaths per year

What is talc?

Talc is a mineral that is composed of different elements, mainly magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Talc is ground to make talcum powder, which is used to absorb moisture and is widely available in various products including baby powder and adult products including body and facial powder. Talc products used regularly in the genital area could increase the risk of ovarian cancer if the powder were to travel through the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes to the ovaries. A jury recently found talc products manufacturer Johnson & Johnson knew of the cancer risks associated with its products but failed to warn consumers.


Known Research

According to a recent study published by the Cancer Prevention Research journal, the use of talcum powder-based products on a woman’s genitals increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer in a woman’s lifetime. This is because the particles that make up talcum powder are extremely fine. When directly applied to a woman’s genital area on a habitual basis, the particles may travel into the vagina, through the fallopian tubes and settle in the ovaries. The ovaries may then become hindered by the presence of talcum powder particles, resulting in an irritation that allows cancer cells to form, grow and spread. OTalc - Baby Powdervarian cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer. This is largely due to the fact that symptoms are often vague and diagnosis is missed until the cancer has progressed to an advanced stage and/or spread into other areas of the body such as the abdomen and pelvic region.

Ovarian cancer symptoms may include bloating, abdominal pain, changes in bladder and bowel movements and overall fatigue. Ovarian cancer may take several opinions before being correctly diagnosed. An estimated 25,000 women are diagnosed each year with ovarian cancer, and around 15,000 die. The disease strikes about one in 70 women, though studies show that women who use talc-containing products on their genitals have a one in fifty chance of developing the disease.

Learn about the Talcum powder and Ovarian Cancer lawsuit. Download the eBook now, and see how women’s regular use of talc-containing products like talcum powder, baby powder and body powder in their genital area has led to the development of ovarian cancer.

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