

We Wish You a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

November 21, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a great time to spend with family and friends and enjoy a delicious meal. However, the holiday season can bring hazards, so it is important to practice safety. The most common hazards during Thanksgiving are fire, home security, and travel incidents.  We want to keep our friends and clients safe this holiday

We Honor Our Marines and Veterans

November 10, 2022
honor armed services

Today marks the 247th birthday of the United States Marine Corps, which was established on November 10, 1775, through a decree by the Second Continental Congress during the American Revolutionary War. November 10th is a yearly reminder of the brave spirit that has compelled young men and women to defend our nation and its interests for

Happy Halloween

October 31, 2022
happy halloween

We hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween! Click below for tips on how to stay safe this Halloween. 

Traffic Safety is Essential for Trick-or-Treaters

October 4, 2022

Here’s a scary statistic: Children are more than three times as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year.  Between 2004 and 2018, an average of 18 children were hit and killed by a car each day of the year, but that average rises to 54

J&J Talcum Powder Oral Argument to be Broadcasted Live on YouTube

September 21, 2022

The Official Committee of Talc Claimants will be presenting their oral arguments before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in regards to the Johnson & Johnson/LTL Management bankruptcy.  The argument will be streamed on YouTube through a live feed on Monday, September 19, 2022, at 1 p.m. CST/2 p.m. EST.  Click here to visit

Have You Ever Experienced a Hernia?

September 12, 2022

If you’ve had a hernia, you know it can be painful. To repair it, you’ll likely have a hernia mesh surgery, where surgical mesh is used to provide additional strength to the surrounding tissue. The hope is that the mesh will take well and you won’t need another surgery for the same hernia. According to

School’s Back in Session

August 9, 2022

Did you know that the fatal crash rate for teenage drivers is three times greater than drivers over the age of 20?   Drivers under the age of 20 make up the largest portion of distracted drivers.  And, studies suggest that more than 50 percent of teen crashes are caused by distracted driving.  Attorney Tripp Segars

Congress Passes Camp Lejeune Act

August 3, 2022

BREAKING NEWS:  Last night, the U.S. Senate passed the PACT Act, which includes the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA).  The CLJA provides an avenue for those who were injured as a result of contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune to file claims to be compensated for their injuries.  To quality, you must be a Marine

Veterans and Their Families Prepare to File Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Claims

July 8, 2022

Camp Lejeune is a United State Marine Corps base located in North Carolina.  For over three decades, between 1953 and 1987, the camp’s water supply was contaminated with many toxic substances that resulted in exposure limits up to 280 times over safe exposure limits.  Millions of Marines, families, and civilian workers were exposed and put

Diaz Law Firm Appointed to National Committee Spearheading Baby Formula Cases

July 5, 2022

Joey Diaz has been appointed to the Plaintiffs Steering Committee in MDL 3026, which involves litigation against manufacturers of baby formula that is causing premature infants to develop necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).  Mr. Diaz said, “Cow’s milk-based formula should never be given to premature infants.  We will fight to ensure that the manufacturers are held accountable


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