

What to Do When Injured by a Road Rage Incident

December 27, 2017
Man With Road Rage

Have you experienced an incident of road rage recently? Road rage is thought to be a leading cause of auto accident fatalities and serious injuries. If you are caught up in a road rage incident, is there anything you can do to ensure you are not harmed, and if you are injured because your vehicle

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Options for Mississippi Women With Essure Birth Control Device Problems

November 17, 2017

There have been significant problems reported over the use of the Bayer Essure birth control device. Women with the device have reported chronic pain, penetration of the fallopian tubes in which the device is inserted, organ perforation, and in some cases, there have been fatalities. Bayer’s device has been touted by the company as a

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Hazardous Truck Accidents Potentially the Worst on Mississippi Roads

October 27, 2017
Truck carrying harazardous materials

  If you pass any truck accidents on a stretch of highway, or more likely, find you are stuck in a queue of blocked traffic because of yet another truck accident, you probably don’t even think about what the truck was carrying. Some of the worst potential accidents are caused by trucks carrying hazardous materials.

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Hernia Surgical Mesh Implant Lawsuits

September 22, 2017
Surgical Mesh Implants

These days, surgical mesh implants are being used more and more in hernia repairs. Not all of the products are safe, however, and a number of them have been recalled after hernia patients complained of a number of symptoms, some of them severe, like internal bleeding. If you are experiencing problems, you should learn the

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Can You Sue a Dog Owner After a Dog Bite in Mississippi?

July 30, 2017
Dog Bite Injury in Mississippi

Dogs can be unpredictable.  Even when an owner thinks that his or her dog is a “friendly” dog, it can still attack and bite a stranger, friend, or family member.  The chance of biting a small child or baby is even more likely.  The question is whether anyone can sue the dog owner if they are

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Why Not Make Side Guard Rails Mandatory on Tractor Trailers?

July 6, 2017
Tractor Trailer Side Guard

Underride truck accidents are some of the most horrific on our roads. They happen when a smaller vehicle, particularly a sedan, collides with the rear or side of a large truck and gets stuck underneath it. The force of the collision can cause colossal damage to the vehicle, and cause fatalities and serious injuries to

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Is Talcum Powder Dangerous?

May 15, 2017

If you have been using talcum powder or talc regularly for several years you should be aware that there have been numerous concerns raised about the possible link between the use of the powder and some cancers. The link is tenuous but is strongest between the regular use of talcum powder and ovarian cancer in

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