

How Dangerous is Fatigue on Mississippi Roads?

June 30, 2020

You might think that traffic accidents have decreased in Mississippi because of the restrictions to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Generally, that’s probably true right across the U.S., but as states like Mississippi open up, it’s possible that the accident rate will go up again and it might even go higher due to more long-distance

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Can You Claim Compensation if Injured on Someone Else’s Property?

May 24, 2020

There are some types of accidents that can happen anywhere, even in your own home or someone else’s property. In fact, accidents can be just as common or more common in your own home than anywhere else. Part of that reasoning is that you simply spend a lot of time in your own home, so

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Can You Sue a Media Outlet for Wrongful Death?

April 28, 2020

With well over six hundred thousand cases of COVID-19, 26,000 deaths, and no sign of an end to the crisis, it is inevitable that people across the nation will be wondering just how we got into this mess and if any of those deaths were wrongful deaths and could have been prevented. Of course, no

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Firefighter Foam Under the Spotlight for its Cancer Causing Chemicals

March 15, 2020

U.S. firefighters, like many of their counterparts all around the world, have used a type of firefighter foam which has been a huge success in fighting fires, especially those caused by petrochemical compounds. Only recently, it has been discovered that the foam’s chemical makeup has been responsible for causing cancers in the very people who

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Still No Mississippi Wide Ban on Dangerous Dogs

March 12, 2020

While there is still no state-wide ban on dangerous breeds of dogs in Mississippi, dog attacks still take place on a regular basis. Most dog attacks tend to be on young children who don’t always have the common sense or experience to keep away from a strange dog or one that is behaving aggressively. However,

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Is Bayer Ready to Settle Thousands of Roundup Lawsuits?

February 28, 2020

Thousands of people in Mississippi, possibly tens of thousands, have used glyphosate-based weedkillers in their jobs or around their homes over the last few decades. These weedkillers, when first introduced to the market in 1974 by agrochemical giant Monsanto, were hailed as revolutionary. They are a very effective herbicide and are touted as helping to

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Making a Personal Injury Claim Against the Government in Mississippi

January 29, 2020

Most car accidents occur because of someone’s negligence. The word ‘someone’ includes anything from the person who is injured to individuals, businesses, organizations of all kinds, and government entities. If you are injured because of your own carelessness, there is very little you can do about it apart from learning a lesson. If the car

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