Truck Accidents and Their Major Causes
Many of the truck accidents that occur in Mississippi are caused by negligent driving behaviors, including speeding, distracted driving and failing to obey traffic laws. In 2019, 9.5 percent of all fatal accidents in Mississippi involved large trucks, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Negligent drivers may be reckless and cause an accident without realizing it, or they may not be paying close attention to their environment and fail to notice a hazard. Other causes of Mississippi truck accidents include:
- Driver fatigue
- Aggressive driving
- Improper maintenance and loading of cargo
- Defective vehicle parts
- Bad weather conditions
- Road debris and poor roadway design.
Whatever the cause of the accident is, it can have devastating consequences for all those involved. It is important for those who are injured in a truck accident due to the negligence of another party to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can help injured victims secure the compensation they are entitled to in order to cover their medical expenses, lost wages and other damages.
Using Caution When Driving Near a Big Rig
By understanding the major causes of Mississippi truck accidents, individuals can be more aware of their surroundings when driving. Motorists should always be on the lookout for potential hazards such as distracted or aggressive drivers and bad weather conditions that could lead to an accident. In addition, individuals should take extra care when driving near a truck as these vehicles are much larger than cars and require more space on the roadways. By taking these steps, people can avoid involvement in an accident and keep the roads safe for all.
Truck accidents in Mississippi can have many causes, resulting in dangerous accidents such as jackknifes, rollovers and underride/override collisions. If you are injured in an accident due to the negligence of another party, you should seek legal advice from an attorney so that you can obtain compensation for your injuries.
Recovering Compensation When You’ve Been Injured by a Negligent Trucker
You may be entitled to compensation if you have been injured in a truck accident as a result of another party’s negligence. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the claims process and ensure that your rights are protected throughout. They will work hard to prove that the other party is responsible and seek maximum compensation on your behalf for your medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can obtain the compensation you need to cover your injuries and losses and move forward with your life.
Diaz Law Firm
Trucking companies and their negligent drivers may be liable for compensation if you are injured in a big rig accident. The Diaz Law Firm can help with your case by if you call us at (601) 607-3456 or contacting us online to arrange a free consultation. Don’t find yourself facing high medical bills and other losses when help is close by.