We’re in peak boating season and enjoy seeing our family and friends out on the water. With so many boats out there, it’s important to keep safety on the forefront. A good day on the water can take a turn for the worst if you’re not careful.
The U.S. Coast Guard reports there were 636 boating fatalities in 2022, down 3.3. percent from 2021, and a nine percent decrease in the overall number of boating accidents during that time. Alcohol continues to be the leading cause of the fatal accidents and is responsible for 16 percent of the total fatalities.
When the cause of death was known, 75 percent of victims drowned. Of those that drowned, 85 percent were not wearing a life jacket. This is a staggering number. So many lives can be saved by wearing a life jacket.
Captain Troy Glendye, Chief of the Coast Guard’s Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety, states that, “Most incidents occur in benign conditions—calm waters, light wind, and good visibility—under which you may least expect to end up in the water, which is why it is critical to wear a life jacket and [have an] engine cut-off switch at all times as they are designed to save your life.”
We hope you’re enjoying a good time on the water this summer. Please keep your safety and the safety of others in mind, and remember, the best life jacket is the one you will wear.
If you, or a loved one, have been injured in an accident, please contact the Diaz Law Firm today and speak with one of our attorneys. You can reach us online or by calling our toll-free number at 800-459-2222.