Have You Ever Experienced a Hernia?

If you’ve had a hernia, you know it can be painful. To repair it, you’ll likely have a hernia mesh surgery, where surgical mesh is used to provide additional strength to the surrounding tissue. The hope is that the mesh will take well and you won’t need another surgery for the same hernia.

According to the FDA, there are over one million hernia repairs performed each year, and most of them are done with surgical mesh. While the implanted mesh is permanent, sometimes the mesh fails. If that happens, there will be symptoms, such as high fever, nausea, vomiting, pain, bruising, swelling of your abdomen or difficulty using the restroom. It’s best to contact your doctor if you experience any of these issues.

If the mesh is defective or has failed, your doctor may require another surgery, called a revision, to remove all or some of the mesh. If this happens, and depending on certain factors, you may have a hernia mesh claim.

Have you experienced, or has a doctor noted, any of the following issues?

• Adhesions
• Chronic Pain
• Bowel Obstruction
• Mesh Failure or Recurrence
• Migration
• Perforation of Organs or Tissues
• Seromas
• Revision Surgeries
• Long-Term Complications

If you or a loved one experienced any complications due to a hernia mesh surgery, please contact our office at 601-607-3456 and speak with an attorney today.


Veterans and Their Families Prepare to File Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Claims

Millions of Marines, families, and civilian workers were exposed to contaminated water and may have developed life-altering, debilitating, and life-ending illnesses while serving their country. We are filing claims for those who have been affected.

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Parents are Filing Baby Formula Lawsuits Against Manufacturers for Injuries/Deaths in Infants

Studies have found that when babies are fed cow’s milk-based formula, the risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis, or NEC, rises dramatically. Once diagnosed, the prognosis can be grim and even fatal. Our firm is at the forefront of this litigation.

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Studies Show Connection Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s

Paraquat is a dangerous herbicide used by farmers, agricultural workers, and landscape maintenance crews for decades. Our attorneys are continuing to evaluate potential Paraquat cases.

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Oral Argument Scheduled for Ongoing Bankruptcy in Talcum Powder Cases

The oral argument is scheduled for September 19, 2022, at 2 p.m. EST, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The oral argument will be viewable on YouTube, and we will provide the link for this video on our website as soon as it comes available.

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Philips Recalls CPAP, BIPAP Machines Over Potential Cancer Risk

Philips is recalling certain devices due to health risks to consumers. Our attorneys are evaluating injuries associated with potential CPAP and BIPAP cases.

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