Football season is in full swing. But between touchdowns being scored and the crowd cheering, serious injuries can occur. Football can be one of the most dangerous sports to play at any age.
Per Statista, 5.23 million people above the age of six played tackle football at least once in 2021. Approximately 6.9 million people played flag football in the same year. The National Safety Council reports that over 222,000 football-related injuries required visits to the emergency department in 2021.
Since football is a physical sport, some injuries are inevitable. But what happens when a student-athlete suffers a serious injury while on the field? Do they have any recourse against the individual that caused the injury?
Unless an athlete is a professional and eligible for workers’ compensation, there usually is not any sort of recovery for injuries suffered. However, if the injuries occur as a result of reckless actions or negligence, several parties may be liable. Potential liable parties include coaches, schools and other organizations, players, manufacturers, and medical professionals.
The most notable football-related injuries include concussions and other brain injuries, heat-related injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Keep yourself and others safe by taking precautions and recognizing the warning signs of common injuries provided by the CDC.
Concussion – what to watch out for:
- Losing consciousness, even briefly
- Unable to recall events prior to or after a hit or fall
- Appears dazed or stunned
- Confusion and answering questions slowly
- Clumsy movements
- Mood, behavior, or personality changes
Heat stroke – what to watch out for:
- High body temperature, 103 degrees or higher
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Confusion
- Losing consciousness or passing out
If you suspect someone has sustained a head injury, concussion, or heat stroke, call 911 immediately.
If you or a loved one have been injured through someone else’s negligence, reach out to our office today.