When am I Entitled to Punitive Damages?

June 18, 2018
Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury lawsuits in Mississippi are like they are in any other state. They are designed to compensate an innocent victim of an injury for the harm that the injury has caused. Occasionally, the victim may have suffered from wrongdoing that was particularly deliberate and intentional. If this can be proven, then the plaintiff may…

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The Ever Present Danger of a Prescription Medication Error

June 1, 2018

Anyone who has unknowingly been a victim of a prescription medication error or the wrong drugs or pills could be seriously harmed or even die. Adverse drug events (ADEs) are extremely common and can cause long-lasting health issues for those who are affected. The main sources of ADEs are as follows: A physician prescribing the…

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Hit & Injured by a Drunk Driver – Do You Need to Sue?

May 8, 2018

There are many reasons why you could end up on a stretcher after a car accident, badly injured. One reason is that you were unfortunate enough to be injured by a drunk driver. Surely the drunk driver will get arrested by the police and you will get some kind of compensation for the cost of…

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Be Aware of the Limits of the Law in a Personal Injury Case

March 22, 2018

If you have been injured anywhere in Mississippi and consider that you were not to blame for the accident that caused the injury, you may think that you are entitled to file a personal injury lawsuit against the person or organization at fault. Injuries can be expensive if you are left having to pay for…

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Are Mississippi Motorcyclists Really Safer Wearing a Helmet?

February 22, 2018
Mississippi Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Motorcyclist helmet rules vary from state to state. In some states, like Mississippi, it is compulsory to wear a helmet if you ride a motorcycle. There is a lot of debate about whether it is safer wearing a helmet and 18 other states, as well as D.C., have the same or similar rules, leaving the…

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Mississippi Cell Phone Use While Driving Laws

January 24, 2018
Person Texting While Driving

Many states across the U.S. have made driving laws about the use of mobile devices like cell phones while driving. Some of these have banned cell phone use outright. Others have just banned texting while driving. Others have allowed hands-free devices only. And then there are a few states, including Arizona, but not Mississippi, that…

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What to Do When Injured by a Road Rage Incident

December 27, 2017
Man With Road Rage

Have you experienced an incident of road rage recently? Road rage is thought to be a leading cause of auto accident fatalities and serious injuries. If you are caught up in a road rage incident, is there anything you can do to ensure you are not harmed, and if you are injured because your vehicle…

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